Saturday nights fortnightly - 9pm AEDT till Late


To enquire/purchase any of these services please get in contact with one of our staff and we will get back to you shortly with confirmation.

Hire a Dancer

  • Dance - 50,000 gil per 15 minutes

  • 18+ Dance - 100,000 gil per 15 minutes

Hire a Gposer

  • G-pose - 150,000 gil per person (4 maximum)

  • 18+ G-Pose - 300,000 gil per person (4 maximum)

Hire the Venue

  • Venue hire for private events - 1,000,000 gil per hour (Staff can be organised for additional fees, speak with management)

7-below casino

Private Chambers No. 001

Lucky 7's Rules!

  • The player will first choose if the outcome will be equal to 7, over 7, or under 7.

  • The dealer will then roll 2 die and sum their values for the outcome.

  • Payouts being as follows: Over & Under 7 = 2x, Equal 7 = 4x.

21 Rules!

  • The player will roll multiple die and try to get as close to 21 as possible.

  • The dealer will then roll and try to match or beat the player.

  • Rolling over 21 is an instant bust for both parties.

  • Payouts as follows: Win = 2x, Tie = 1x.

Triple Dice Rules!

  • The player bets on any number from 1-6.

  • The dealer will roll 3 die and if any of the numbers rolled matches the players number.

  • Payouts are as follows: 1 = 2x, 2 = 2x, 3 = 3x.

Roulette Rules!

  • Player will /random for their number.

  • Payouts are as follows: 590+ 2x, 950+ 3x, 999+ x7.

Should you have any queries regarding the rules just ask one of our Staff!